California Accepts Driver’s License Applications from Illegal Immigrants
At the beginning of January, California became the 10th state to offer driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Applicants are no longer required to present a valid social security number to obtain a driver’s license. The California Department of Motor Vehicles expects to issue 1.4 million driver’s licenses because of this program in the next three years. The change will also allow illegal immigrants to obtain automobile insurance.
Supporters explain that the change is a great step toward safer roads in California. They argue that illegal immigrants have been driving in California regardless, but now they will be required to carry insurance, which will help protect all drivers. Critics of the program complain that California is rewarding illegal immigrants by giving away those rights that should be reserved to American citizens.
For more information about this program or about immigrant laws generally, contact an experienced immigration law attorney. Call Philip Levin & Associates at 888-974-2691 today!