Ringing in the New Year with a DUI
New Year’s celebrations have become almost synonymous with drinking and partying among many adults. While there is nothing wrong with celebrating, if not planned carefully this night of new beginnings and fun, could end up in disaster. DUI arrests actually double over the New Year’s holiday; it is statistically one of the most likely nights for a person driving under the influence to be caught and arrested.
Why Such A Dramatic Increase In DUI Arrests?
Not only are there many people drinking in celebration of the holiday, but they are often doing so at parties, clubs, or bars. When the time comes to go home they may think they are sober enough to drive, or are unable to afford a cab, or are afraid their car will be towed. Whatever the reason, when there are an increased number of people drinking outside their homes, there will be an increase in those driving under the influence. Because of this, law enforcement recognizes the huge capacity for tragic accidents and not only are they on the look out for any unusual or suspicious behavior in drivers, but they also will often put out checkpoints and roadblocks as well. This is an extremely effective strategy, especially in catching a person who may not be so intoxicated that they would have been obviously impaired while driving; even if a driver feels completely competent, if they are over the legal limit they face a DUI charge.
A DUI charge is not something you want on your record, it is recommended that you try to arrange a designated driver when you go out to celebrate the upcoming New Year, or call for a cab. If however, you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of having been charged with a DUI, you should always seek legal counsel.
At Fiore & Barber, we are a criminal defense law firm that specializes in DUI cases. If you are looking for representation in your DUI case and wish to contact us, or would like to read further about our firm, please feel free to visit our website here.